Monday, April 28, 2014


Vintage Singer sewing machine advertisment Ceylon 1892

Singer Advertising Card – Issued as a Souvenir of the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago, Illinois

Color chromolithograph trading card (not a postcard) of a couple from Ceylon (Sri Lanka) in “native” Sinhalese costume, posing next to a Singer sewing machine. Part of a “Costumes of All Nations,” set created as a souvenir at the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition.

Creation Date: 1892

Creator Name: J. Ollmann Lith Co.

Copyright: Singer Manufacturing Company 1850-1975

Text on back: “CEYLON, This is a picturesque island in the Indian Ocean, separated from Peninsular India by the Gulf of Manaar. It is 271 miles long by 137 wide, is a Crown colony of Great Britain and entirely independent of British India. Its capital city is Colombo. The dominant race is the Singhalese, who are genuine Buddhists and very tenacious of their castes. There are also many natives of Arabic descent, besides the Portugese [Portuguese], Dutch and English. Our photo, taken on the spot, represents the Singer Manufacturing Company’s employees in their national costume, The Company have offices in all the principal cities, and sell a large number of machines.” One of four cards not included in the set at PH 2359.

Tea Advertisment Mazawattee Ceylon, c.1891

Mazawattee Ceylon Tea Co. Advertisement

Date: 1891

The Mazawattee Tea Company was one of the most important and most advertised tea firms in England for around fifty years

McLaughlin’s Coffee trade card – Native Ceylon warship

Text on Back of the trading card…….


The coast, of the Island of Ceylon is washed by such tremendous surf that a boat of ordinary con¬struction is unable to land, except in its few protected harbors. Before the occupation of the island by Europeans, it was governed by several chiefs who invaded their neighbors’ territory by means of boats constructed on the catamaran principle, as shown on the opposite side of this card. They were very swift; from their peculiar construction could ride safely through the heaviest surf, and under full sail would land their crew high and dry on the beach.

This card is one of a series of 15, showing the peculiar war ships of the world. Any one sending us the fronts of fifteen wrappers of the XXXX Coffee, and a TWO-CENT STAMP to pay postage, will be mailed a beautifully colored picture of the “Battle of the Monitor and Merrimac.” This picture is 16 inches high and 20 inches long, without any printing on it, and will be an ornament in any parlor. Wrappers must be sent before February 1st, 1890.

The glazing on McLaughlin’s XXXX Coffee does the settling and is made of corn starch and re-clarified sugar—therefore, per-fectly healthful. The glazing seals the pores of the coffee and prevents the oil from evaporating. This costs us 1/4 of a cent a pound, but saves the consumer ten times that amount. We buy all our XXXX Coffee-from the Brazilian planters, direct, thereby saving the Importers, jobbers and commission men’s profits. The immense success of XXXX Coffee proves that our policy of giving the consumer the cheapest coffee for the money and selling an immense quantity, is the best.



Discover Ceylon Happy Island Travel Promotion 1957.

Date: 1957

Publisher: Adprint Ltd for the Government Tourist Bureau Colombo, Ceylon.

Ceylon’s Pageantry – Elephant parade 1955 travel print ad

Year 1955

Publisher: Adprint Ltd for the Government Tourist Bureau Colombo, Ceylon

Nestea Ceylon Tea Advertisment c.1961
Ceylon Tea – A set of 24 picture cards

Whole set of 24 Seymour Mead & Co. LTD (TEA) Trade cards, on Ceylon, her tea and other industries “THE ISLAND OF CEYLON”, Issued in 1955. (series A)

Ceylon lies immediately south of India, separated from it by the narrow Palk Strait. It is shaped like a pear or Pearl-drop and is sometimes referred to as “The Pearl of the East”. Ceylon is 271 miles long and 140 miles broad-about half the size of England. Its ancient name was Lanka, when it was ruled by Sinhalese kings. Today (1955) ceylon is a member of the British Commonwealth. The population of 9 million comprises a diversity of races, with the Sinhalese as the major community, but all people who come from Ceylon are known as Ceylonese. The chief products are tea, rubber, coconuts and rice. On this map the main tea regions are shown. Text on Back of the card

The city of Kandy, last capital and stronghold of the Sinhalese Kings, lies roughly in the centre of Ceylon, and in the heart of the great upland tea-growing areas. It is famous for the octagonal-shaped Temple of the Tooth, which houses sacred Buddhist relics, and for its dancers. Mostly the traditional Kandyan dances are performed by trained professional dancers. The boys are taught at special schools. On occasions like the annual Perahera (or Festival) they turn out in jewelled headdresses breastplates and white baggy trousers, and dance to the intricate rhythm of drums. Text on Back of the card

A vast variety of flowers bloom with tropical splendour in Ceylon. In the Royal Botanical Gardens at Peradeniya, on the outskirts of Kandy, a glorious colection may be seen of exotic orchids, hibiscus, bourgainvillaeas, crotons, cannas, frangipani, etc.

No. 7 The Village

Many villages in Ceylon are built below the retaining wall of a “tank” or artificial lake, so that they are certain of their water supply. The homes are mudwalled, with a thatched roof of straw or plaited coconut leaves, a wooden door and no glass windows. There is usually a verandah running along the front. Each house stands in its own ground and is attractively white-washed and looked after. Coconut, lime, orange, tamarind and areca palms make a picturesque background. Most villages provide a “maduwa” – a resting place for strangers – and, of course, there is a village shop. Text on Back of the card

The Ceylonese Villager by nature is gentle, generous and of a happy disposition. The men, however, are inclined to be easy-going so the women have to work hard. Their day begins before dawn, when the coconuts are scraped, rice husked, millet ground and rice-milk squeezed for the day’s needs. They collect the firewood to stack in the garden. A sinhalese woman is light brown in colour, graceful and often beautiful. Her dress, or “sari”, usually consisits of 2 pieces : a bodice with short sleeves and a cloth wound round the waist, hanging to the feet. 2 or 3 inches of bare skin show between. Text on Back of the card

Rubber, like tea, is comparatively new to Ceylon but is now her 2nd largest industry. It started in 1876 when 1919 rubber plants from Kew were shipped to ceylon on the S.S. “Devonshire”, in charge of a gardener. The 1st exports of rubber from Ceylon were in 1900. Rubber is tapped from the trees at intervals of 2, 3 or 4 days into “cups” made from half coconut shells. Cleanliness in all the apparatus of cutting and collection is vital. The milky substance tapped from the trees is called latex. It is dried into sheets or crepe. There are about 660,000 acres under rubber in Ceylon. Text on Back of the card

The tea plant starts life in a nursery bed on the estate. There are 2 ways of growing it-from seed, or by planting cuttings taken from selected bushes. The seeds are about the size and colour of a nutmeg. The seed bed is frequently watered and later, a rough frame-work of thatch provides shade. After 12 months or so the young tea plants are carefully dug up and replanted in open ground. The tea bush (it is really a pruned-down tree) is wonderfully hardy. It can be plucked when it is from 3 to 5 years old, and may go on yielding good leaf for 50 years and more. Text on Back of the card

Left to themselves, tea bushes will grow into trees 30 ft. high. To keep them a suitable size and shape for the women to pluck the leaves, they are pruned at intervals of 1 to 3 years all through their lives. This encourages side growth and produces a flat-topped bush, 3 to 4 feet high. Pruning also prevents the bush from “going to seed” (some, of course, are specially left to provide new seeds) and maintains it as a constant leaf-producer. Pruning is work for the men on the estate. They use a sharp, curved knife. Text on Back of the card

In the Ceylon estates tea plucking goes on all the year round. With quick, deft fingers, the women take the tender top leaves (2 leaves and a bud) from each shoot and throw them into baskets slung from brown-bands. Each bush gets plucked over about once in 10 days. The workers are bare-footed. They wear white cloths over the head against the strong sun. The dresses-saris they call them-look gay and colourful among the dark green bushes, but they fasten sacking across the front to keep them clean and dry while they work. Text on Back of the card

At internvals, the women pluckers on a Ceylon tea estate bring their baskets to a weighing point. The leaves are picked over for foreign matter and then weighed. Every worker gets paid extra, above her wages, for the amount of tea plucked. Experienced women can gather up to 60 lb. in a day. The scale is often a simple balance, like the one overleaf. After weighing, the tea leaf is immediately taken up to the factory for processing. Usually this is by lorry, but in mountainous estates, where the factory is often at a quite different level, the tea may be transported by aerial ropeway. Text on Back of the card

Each Ceylon tea estate has its own factory, built mainly of concrete and steel. They are big 3 or 4 storey buildings. Everything except the ground floor is used for the Withering process. The green leaves brought in from the estate are spred out on hessian or wire racks and left until most of the moisture has evaporated. They then move down to the ground floor where the processes of rolling, fermenting (or rather, oxydising) drying and sorting take place. Whereas women do the tea plucking, in Ceylon these factory processes are mostly looked after by the men. Text on Back of the card

The object of blending (or mixing) tea is to ensure consistent quality and flavour all the year round. In the wet season tea loses some of its flavour so the blender has to mix in more of the better teas from other estates or seasons. After he has finished tasting, a small sample blend based on his decision is made up. This can be of 2 kinds, (a) comprising teas from a number of different Ceylon estates (known as Pure Ceylon), or (b) Ceylon teas predominating but with some from other countries mixed in (Ceylon – character blend). Text on Back of the card

In a modern tea warehouse, the leave is not touched by hand. It is blended in bulk in a large rotating drum. The blend is then tipped into an automatic weighing and packing machine where cams and levers clutch and shape pieces of paper into tea packets. The packets pass under nozzles through which the tea pours into them, then continue on to machinery which seals and labels. Finally, off they go on a conveyor belt to be parcelled up and sent to grocers’ shops all over the country. Text on Back of the card

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